Research institutions > Who we are

Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, University of Galway (Ireland) Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, University of Galway (Ireland)
The Moore Institute promotes research and research-led teaching in the Humanities and Social Studies. We combine technology and culture in innovative ways that enrich the lives of individuals and communities, and we assist senior researchers in developing their research for the academic and public spheres and the cultural and creative industries. We engage in research that cuts across disciplines, demanding creative thinking and dynamic interactions.
Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University (Belgium) Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University (Belgium)
The Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) engages in the field of ‘Digital Humanities’ at Ghent University, ranging from archaeology and geography to linguistics and cultural studies. It develops DH collaboration and supports research projects, teaching activities and infrastructure projects across the faculties.
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (Austria) Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (Austria)
The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) has been bringing together two focal points of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in one institute pursuing (a) basic research in the humanities in long-term projects for the development and preservation of cultural heritage and (b) research in the methodological and theoretical paradigms of digital documentation, processing, research and visualisation of the digital humanities. Within the ACDH-CH, both pillars are intended to increasingly cross-fertilise each other.
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic) Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL) is specialized in computational linguistics research from formal theoretical foundations to application development. Its staff are involved in many international projects (e.g. Universal Dependencies) creating many language resources and NLP tools. The mission of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (ICNC) is continuous mapping of (Czech) language by building large general-purpose reference corpora that result from a broad-scale data collection. This is supplemented by the development of specialized web applications that enable user-friendly work with the language data available from the CNC research portal.
Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at Trier University (Germany) Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at Trier University (Germany)
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) was founded in 1998 at Trier University. Today, it is a central research unit of the university. Our key research areas are digital editions, digital lexicography, research software development, research infrastructure as well as computational literary studies and digital cultural heritage. Our work often has an applied perspective, but we are also actively involved in basic research in the Digital Humanities and we have a strong national and international network of collaborators and partners.
Network for Digital Humanities at the University of Potsdam (Germany) Network for Digital Humanities at the University of Potsdam (Germany)
The digital transformation is changing broad fields of research in the humanities: from research infrastructure and the routines of publication to the handling of sources, editions and research data, as well as the digital methods of analysing literary texts and cultural artefacts. Additionally, the Digital Humanities face the task of reflecting the digital change of our society. In order to confront these challenges and to realise the innovative potentials of this development, a research initiative at the University of Potsdam bundles together activities in the field of Digital Humanities. The goal of the research initiative is to establish interdisciplinary connections of different institutions and players based in Potsdam: between the institutions of the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as other faculties of the University of Potsdam. There will be co- operation with other research facilities in Potsdam, such as the University of Applied Science in Potsdam, and also between regional, national and international institutes affiliated to Digital Humanities.
Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (LINHD), UNED, Madrid (Spain) Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (LINHD), UNED, Madrid (Spain)
The UNED Digital Humanities Laboratory (LINHD) arises from the need of the Philology, Philosophy and Geography and History faculties to take full advantage of the potential of new technologies, with the support of the Headquarters Library and the Computer Engineering ETS In recent decades, research in the field of Humanities has taken a substantial turn with the possibilities of analysis, organization and management of resources that technology provides as a means to get the most out of traditional sources. From LINHD we try to promote research, encourage interdisciplinarity and guarantee the development and dissemination of content and resources that we put at the service of society The LINHD is a confluence of paths to promote new ideas, knowledge and resources that contribute to the development of humanity.
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